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Your donation makes a difference! Contributions to Youth With A Mission Caribbean Partners Inc. (YWAM) are income tax deductible and are made with the understanding YWAM Caribbean Partners Inc. has complete discretion over donated funds. However it is YWAM's policy to honor the request of the donors who wish to support preferred projects and individuals.

Thank you for your support. Every dollar we receive goes to changing lives. We take your gifts seriously, and we make every effort to maximize your investment in our organization. If you would like more information on some of the ministries and staff in the Caribbean that we partner with please visit our webpage at

Your contribution is fully deductible to the extent allowed by Federal Tax Law. Youth With A Mission Caribbean Partners Inc. is a 501C3 charity registered Tax ID number: 65-0253251



(If you need help with your submission, please contact

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Paid for by Youth With A Mission Caribbean Partners Inc.

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